«Merry-go-round» 11.04.2020


We call ourselves carousels! We are carousing our lives! We circle our destiny, aspiring visions, ostentatious dynamism … quick change of images, close-ups and a microscopic touch! Randomly – without a plan to study circular motion! Horse racing patterns, copy of thought overtakes copy of thought.

We are the carousels of your life! We reveal to you the future of art! We accelerate the carousel! Smash obstacles and stones with a laugh! We are for the synthesis and flood of genres! Offset of colors, perfect spectrum colors! We give white color and dirt! The peak of achievement of movements is synthesis! The rhythm hides us in a circle.

We are the sweet embrace of meanings, the poisonous paws of love! In a clean field, routes – a search for your materials, the pinnacles of your soul! Stopwatch, do not let it become related to the machine – the lever pushing the carousel. Focus on today’s viewer!

We are the carousels of your life! We reveal to you the future of art! We accelerate the carousel! Smash obstacles and stones with a laugh! We are for the synthesis and flood of genres! Offset of colors, perfect spectrum colors! We give white color and dirt! The peak of achievement of movements is synthesis! The rhythm hides us in a circle.

We are the sweet embrace of meanings, the poisonous paws of love! In a clean field, routes – a search for your materials, the pinnacles of your soul! Stopwatch, do not let it become related to the machine – the lever pushing the carousel. Focus on today’s viewer!